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Welcome! I'm Rui JIN, currently a research assistant at PKU-Agibot Lab, Peking University, under the supervision of Prof. Hao DONG.

I obtained my B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern Polytechnical University. After graduation, I completed my M.Eng. in Control Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University, where I was co-supervised by Prof. Fei GAO and Prof. Haojian LU. My research interests primarily lie in aerial robotics and autonomous navigation.

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  • [2024/07] NEW Started as a research assistant at PKU-Agibot Lab

  • [2024/06] NEW GS-Planner get accepted to IROS 2024

  • [2024/04] Graduated with a master's degree from ZJU

  • Publications

    1. GS-Planner: A Gaussian-Splatting-based Planning Framework for Active High-Fidelity Reconstruction
      Rui Jin*, Yuman Gao*, Haojian Lu, Fei Gao
      Accepted by IROS 2024 | pdf | video | arxiv

    2. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mediated Drug Delivery for First Aid
      Sheng Tao*, Rui Jin*(co-first author), et al, Fei Gao, Yuqi Zhang, Haojian Lu, Jicheng Yu, Zhen Gu
      Advanced Materials 2023 (Frontispiece Paper, IF:27.4)| pdf | paper

    3. Canfly: A Can-Sized Autonomous Mini Coaxial Helicopter
      Neng Pan, Rui Jin, Chao Xu, Fei Gao
      IROS 2023 | pdf | paper | video

    Other Publications

    1. Adaptive Tracking and Perching for Quadrotor in Dynamic Scenarios
      Yuman Gao, Jialin Ji, Qianhao Wang, Rui Jin, Yi Lin, Zhimeng Shang, Shaojie Shen, Chao Xu, Fei Gao
      T-RO 2023 | pdf | paper | video

    2. Modeling and Force Control of a Variable-Length Continuum Robot with Variable Stiffness for Minimally Invasive Surgery
      Jingyu Zhang, Qin Fang, Lilu Liu, Rui Jin, Pingyu Xiang, Rong Xiong, Yue Wang, Haojian Lu
      T-ASE 2024 | pdf | paper

    3. Soft Lightweight Small-Scale Parallel Robot With High-Precision Positioning
      Qin Fang, Jingyu Zhang, et al, Rui Jin (5th), Yue Wang, Rong Xiong, Zhefeng Gong, Haojian Lu
      T-MECH 2023 | pdf | paper

    4. A Survey on Design, Actuation, Modeling, and Control of Continuum Robot
      Jinyu Zhang, Qin Fang, et al, Rui Jin (6th), Ke Qiu,Yue Wang, Rong Xiong, Haojian Lu
      Cyborg and Bionic Systems 2022 (IF: 10.7) | pdf | paper


    1. Design and Control of a Coaxial Helicopter
    2. Dec 2020-Nov 2023

      Master's Thesis, collaborated with Prof. Ximin Lyu's group

    3. Neural Collision Field for Efficient Trajectory Optimization for Mobile Robots
    4. Jan 2023-Present

      Ongoing Project

    5. Transformer Robot
    6. Jun 2018-Jun 2019

      China Robot Competetion & National Training Program of Innovation for Undergraduates


  • 2019, China Robot Competition, Top-tier Prize (Top 1%)

  • 2019, National 3D innovative Design Competition, Top-tier Award of Shanxi Province (Top 3%)

  • 2021, Outstanding Graduate of Northwestern Polytechnical University

  • 2020, Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling, Honorable Mention

  • 2019, Fastgear Scholarship, Top-tier Prize (Top 1%)

  • 2018 & 2019, National Training Program of Innovation for Undergraduates, Outstanding Conclusion Award

  • 2018, Huawei Scholarship, First Prize (Top 1%)

  • 2017 & 2018 & 2019, Northwestern Polytechnical University Scholarship, First Prize (Top 10%)